The Compassion Project: Positive Relationships

Jamie, Noah and Zuri are preparing for their final year performance and the pressure is on! Pupils aged 9 to 11 learn how to navigate relationships with empathy and compassion, and to manage their own emotions.

Positive Relationships comprises three lessons, each centred around an animation-led online learning module. The content has been developed with teachers and subject matter experts and links to PSHE and equivalent subjects.

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    Target user

    Ages 9-11



    PSHE, Health & Wellbeing, PD&MU



    45 minutes



    Our courses are always free

    “Every lesson plan has everything you need all in one place.”

    — Primary Teacher

    Resource details

    The Compassion Project: Positive Relationships is made up of three online learning modules with three optional offline lesson plans and activities which link to the online modules.

    Module 1
    Compassion and empathy

    In lesson one, Understanding compassion, students explore the meaning of empathy and compassion, and how they can show and recognise it inside and outside of the classroom.

    Module 2
    Mistakes and self care

    In lesson 2, Mistakes and growth mindset, students discuss the idea of having a growth mindset, what this means and what it may look like. They link this to how students can show compassion without judgement of mistakes made by themselves and others.

    Module 3
    The Compassion Project Course
    Emotions and mindfulness

    In lesson 3, Exploring self-care, students learn about stress relief techniques and how to manage intense emotions, they will practise mindfulness activities that they can use anywhere to relieve stress.

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