Coming soon

We are constantly expanding our courses to support your students. Here’s what we have coming next.

Sustainability Foundations – January 2021

Creating sustainable change for students aged 11-14, Sustainability Foundations is comprised of an online learning module and slides with supporting classroom activities.

The course introduces learners to the concept that our world is made up of interconnected systems, governed by natural principles, and the impact that their choices have on these systems. It gives students many opportunities to practise making sustainable choices, reinforcing the concept that they have agency to create sustainable change.

To be notified when this course goes live, sign up to receive our newsletter.

Plants, Animals and Our World – January 2021

Exploring nature’s interconnected systems for students aged 11-14, the course introduces learners to the concept that our world is made up of interconnected systems, governed by natural principles, and the impact that their choices have on these systems. It gives students many opportunities to practise making sustainable choices, reinforcing the concept that they have agency to create sustainable change.

To be notified when this course goes live, sign up to receive our newsletter.

You can start using our current courses today!

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